Baldwin Street Middle School Georgetown 5/6
Welcome to the Baldwin Street Middle School & Georgetown 5/6 Bands page!
If this is your first time viewing this page, THANK YOU! I hope to update the BSMS portion of this website periodically throughout the year. Please feel free to use this as a tool to gain information inside of your student's class.
If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at or call me at 616-669-7750 (ext. 3303).
Thank you and have a great day!
Mr. Jacobs
Please click below to choose the band you would like additional information about.
Northside Performances
Marching Band Experience!
8th Grade
Thursday, September 28th
6:15p - 9pm
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Band Room
Northside Fall Band Concert
All Grades
Wednesday, October 25th 8:00pm
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Auditorium
Fall Middle School Solo and Ensemble
Optional 7th and 8th graders November 18 (expected)
Grandville Calvin Christian MS/HS
BMS 8th grade Holiday Concert
*featuring the Georgetown 5/6 6th grade band*
Wednesday, December 13 @ 7:00pm
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Auditorium
BMS 7th grade Holiday Concert
*featuring the BMS 7th grade Orchestra*
Thursday, December 14 @ 7:00pm
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Auditorium
HS/MS Band Weekend
7th and 8th Grade
Friday, January 12th and Saturday, January 13th
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Band Room
MS Winter Concert
Featuring the BMS & RMS 7th & 8th Grade Bands
Tuesday, February 20th
6:30pm - 7th grade
8:00p - 8th grade
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Auditorium
MSBOA District 10 Band & Orchestra Festival
February 28 - March 1
March 4 - March 8
Spring Middle School Solo and Ensemble
Optional for 7th and 8th Grade
April 20 (expected)
Northpointe Christian School
BMS 7th Grade Spring Concert
Featuring the GEorgetown 5/6 6th grade band
Tuesday, May 7 @ 7:00pm
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Auditorium
BMS 8th Grade Spring Concert
Featuring the BMS 8th grade Orchestra
Wednesday, May 8 @ 7:00pm
Hudsonville Freshman Campus Auditorium
8th Grade Cedar Point Trip
Friday, May 17
7th Grade Band Trip
Location & Date TBD