Band Boosters

Do you wish you could actively be involved in your childs education? Maybe you'd like to connect with them and support an activity they are passionate about. Band Boosters is a great way to accomplish both of those things! By simply being involved you are sending a powerful message to your child. There is no substitute for the gift of time. The easiest way to get started is by attending a Band Booster Meeting.

Band booster meetings are fun and informal meetings that everyone (6th-12th) are invited and encouraged to attend. It is during these meetings that we receive the latest news from the Band Directors and various committees. We take time to decide how we can best support the band. Working together, we can build on tradition, foster teamwork, promote organization, school, and community pride, and continue to lay a strong foundation for our students that will last for years to come. 

While fundraising is a major part of what the boosters do, it is not the sole purpose of the organization. 

Meetings take place in the Media Center at the Hudsonville Freshman Campus unless otherwise noted and generally last 60-90 minutes.  

** Please note, the only doors that are usually unlocked is by Entrance A. **

Only paid members of Band Boosters can vote.  Membership only costs $1.00 for the school year.  

      Parent involvement is a huge part in the success of Hudsonville Bands.

  Board & Committee Positions

Position Name Email

President Ian Orndorff

Vice President Mike Meengs

Treasurer Craig Fought*

Asst. Treasurer Wayne Wu*

Secretary/Website Kristen Neuman*

Transportation Jason McBride*

Uniforms '24 season Christine King

Food Team Sara Zielinski* / Tami Orndorff

Scrip Coordinator Rachel Kruys 

Eagle Concessions Kristen Neuman*

Summer Jukanovic*

Hudsonville Fair Mike Meengs

Sponsorships Mike Meengs

Pie & Sub Sale Denise Fought*/ Alyssa Olson*

Prop Building Jason McBride*

VanAndel Craig Fought*

Parties Kristen Neuman*

Marching band banquet, halloween & end of season band banquet

*Denotes a senior parent w/ position available 

Mission Statement: 

 Hudsonville Band Boosters is organized for educational purposes, specifically to support the development of a quality instrumental music experience for Hudsonville Public Schools students.  To support the educational, literary, and scientific activities (including extra-curricular activities) of Hudsonville Public Schools.

All payments for band fees should be mailed to:

Hudsonville Band Boosters

P.O. Box 212

Hudsonville, MI 49426

Please be sure to attach a note indicating what the payment is for and the full name of the student.

Or you can pay them via Charms. To learn how to pay via charms click here.